Crystal Blue Salt

This delicious salt is mined in some ancient caves more than 200 million years old located in Semnan, Iran It is found exclusively in Iran .The blueness of this rock salt from Iran, comes from blue toned Sylvite or potassium chloride content. so, the light is refracted in a special way and the salt appears blue.

The term ‘extraction’ can not be used for blue salt rock because its extraction is so little that it has an exploratory state.


Origin: Iran

ingredient: 100% Persian Rock salt

appearance: It varies from blue to dark blue

additives: It doesn’t contain any additives

Health benefits

Persian blue salt has a high potassium content, which helps the body regulate blood pressure and levels of acidity and water balance. It is also rich in calcium and iron which can be beneficial especially for women.

Persian blue salt in the one of the rarest salt in the world that has high purity (more than 98%), without any additives, color or contamination.